After breaking into the industry with a critically acclaimed and hugely successful PBS documentary on The Marx Brothers in 1982, director Robert Weide established himself a true master of exploring legendary comedic minds. Having also directed films on the careers…
Read more →Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
“The Goldfinch” and More Compelling New Releases
This week’s new Blu-ray and DVD releases span the history of Hollywood — from classic studio pictures to monster matinees to contemporary releases and beyond. There’s also an assortment of cult TV titles now available as well, making this round-up…
Read more →School Daze: The Rodney Dangerfield Comedy “Back to School”
School days! I remember going to college back in the 80’s. For the first couple of years it was a real party. Partly because I was just going to avoid the responsibility of getting a real job. Of course, until…
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