Hear Director Robert Weide on “The Movies That Made Me”

After breaking into the industry with a critically acclaimed and hugely successful PBS documentary on The Marx Brothers in 1982, director Robert Weide established himself a true master of exploring legendary comedic minds. Having also directed films on the careers of everyone from W.C. Fields to an Emmy-winning effort on Lenny Bruce, Weide helped bring Larry David out from behind the scenes as the co-creator of Seinfeld and into his own comedic spotlight as the helmer of the Curb Your Enthusiasm HBO special that later spawned the series of the same name (and which Weide is a frequent director of). His friendship and professional relationship with the famed science fiction author Kurt Vonnegut Jr. is the focus of his latest work, the documentary Kurt Vonnegut: Unstuck in Time.
Robert Weide
Robert Weide talks about his career as well as his favorite films in the latest episode of The Movies That Made Me, hosted by Josh Olson and Joe Dante. A truly impressive array of titles are mentioned in this installment, and Movies Unlimited has a complete rundown of each one at their website, so head there and check out the companion notes to this edition of the podcast.