Arguably the most beloved animated cult film ever made, Heavy Metal is a cutting-edge anthology inspired by the popular fantasy magazine. The fantastic stories, which revolve around the powers of a mysterious jewel called the Loc-Nar, include a futuristic cab…
Read more →Cult Films
A Salute to the Funky Theme Song from “Friday the 13th: Part III”
Chh-chh-chh! Dance-dance-dance? My personal favorite of all the Friday the 13th films was 1982’s Friday the 13th: Part III. Originally released in 3D — which afforded viewers in the theater the opportunity to have the film’s thrills (and the occasional…
Read more →Who’s Your Favorite Character from “Planet Terror”?
Starting life as one half of the exploitation revival flick Grindhouse, this expanded version of Robert Rodriguez’s Planet Terror concerns a mishap with a bio-weapon on a nearby military base that begins mutating the residents of a small Texas town…
Read more →The Movie Tagline Quiz: Horror Edition
Think you know all that there is to know about horror movies? Then see if you can match the following taglines to their respective films! 1 – The ultimate in alien terror 2 – They won’t stay dead 3 –…
Read more →Ten Underrated Films to Watch This Halloween
There’s nothing wrong with sticking to popular classics like Psycho or A Nightmare on Elm Street, but why not challenge yourself to watch something you may not have seen before this Halloween. Here are my suggestions for ten underrated fright…
Read more →A Tribute To The Silver Shamrock Commercial from Halloween III
“It’s almost time kids! The clock is ticking! Be in front of your TV sets for the horrorthon, and remember the big giveaway at 9. Don’t miss it, and don’t forget to wear your masks. The clock is ticking. It’s…
Read more →Create-A-Caption: Halloween
For our first spooky-themed movie post this October, we are throwing it back to 1978’s original Halloween film. John Carpenter‘s seminal slasher not only was a massive hit that reinvigorated the horror genre (legitimizing it the eyes of many critics),…
Read more →“Grease” Remains Perfect Viewing for Summer Nights
Grease is the time, is the place, is the motion, and Grease is the way we are feeling. And probably always will be, because the flick is the ultimate summer fun movie. We know you’ve seen the film countless times…
Read more →Check Out Our “Alien” Franchise Archives!
Since today is Alien Day — the annual celebration of the enduring science fiction franchise that has been thrilling audiences worldwide since 1979 — we thought it would be the perfect time to remind you that you can read about…
Read more →It’s Alien Day, So Share Your Thoughts On the Sci-Fi Franchise with Us
Today marks that chest-burstingist of all Internet holidays, Alien Day! This celebration of 20th Century Fox’s landmark 1979 sci-fi/horror classic Alien and its various sequels/prequels/spin-offs. (The event takes its date from LV426, which also happens to be the classification…
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