Will Smith may have played Muhammad Ali…but is he “The Greatest”? He passed on playing the title role in “Django Unchained,” but was he exactly right not to risk his massive appeal to fans of every race, color, and creed? Let’s see if Movie Irv thinks Philly’s prince is fresh as ever, or past his sell-by date.
Read more →Monthly Archives: May 2013
Your Questions on Hear My Song, The Medusa Touch, and More

We’re fielding another crop of your questions on the home-video whereabouts on much-demanded movies, from the 1978 RIchard Burton psychic scarefest The Medusa Touch to the 1933 Loretta Young pre-Code potboiler Employees’ Entrance.
Read more →This Week In Film History, 05.26.13
It was exactly 70 years ago this week that the war-torn skies over Europe claimed distinguished British performer and patriot Leslie Howard, as his aircraft was downed over the Bay of Biscay. We’ve more momentous moments in movie lore to pass along.
Read more →Who’s Your Favorite Post-1960 Movie Race Car Driver?

In honor of this week’s Indy 500, our poll looks at some of the big screen’s fastest racing stars. Check out our list, pick your favorite, and see who roars into the winner’s circle.
Read more →Animal Magnetism: Reflections on Robert Strauss

His screen reprisal of his comic stage triumph as the aptly-named Sgt. “Animal” Kuzawa in Stalag 17 landed him an Oscar nomination and launched a prolific, generation-long career in film and TV. We’re looking back at the life and performances of the ubiquitous and unforgettable Robert Strauss.
Read more →Create-A-Caption: The French Connection
In this classic scene from The French Connection, Jason created a unique or a funny caption from The Frech Connection starring Gene Hackman. You are encouraged to add your idea for a caption in the Comment section.
Read more →New Morals for Old (1932)
Guest blogger Laura G. reviews New Morals for Old, a 1932 pre-Code family drama starring Robert Young and Margaret Perry as siblings whose free-spirited ways test “old-fashioned” parents Lewis Stone and Laura Hope Crews.
Read more →What’s Your Favorite Star Trek Film?

So here we are… It’s the age old question: What’s your favorite Star Trek movie? Of the possible choices, can you pick just one? Or maybe you never liked any of them. Let your voice be heard!
Read more →This Week In Film History, 05.19.13
It was “a long, long time ago”–exactly 30 years–that the saga of Star Wars wrapped up (or so we all thought at the time) with the opening of Return of the Jedi. We’ve got even more cinema landmarks to share.
Read more →Sing a Song of Movie Stars
You know you’ve really made it when you’ve had a song written about you. Let’s drop a quarter in the MovieFanFare jukebox and listen to entertaining tunes devoted to some of cinema’s greatest talents…
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