For this week’s poll, we want you to pick your favorite science fiction film of the 1980s. This is a deceptively complicated ask, as the decade was packed with sci-fi blockbusters that not only defined the era, but helped mold…
Read more →For this week’s poll, we want you to pick your favorite science fiction film of the 1980s. This is a deceptively complicated ask, as the decade was packed with sci-fi blockbusters that not only defined the era, but helped mold…
Read more →With Alien celebrating its 40th anniversary this year — an event we will have much more on this May — and The Predator currently available on Blu-ray and DVD, we thought we’d get your thoughts on which entry in these…
Read more →In September, a new Predator movie hits theaters. Between now and then, expect a sharp uptick in discussions over which character is scarier: The terrifying (yet weirdly noble) hunters of the Predator franchise or the acid-blooded evil of the Alien…
Read more → The legendary Carl Weathers turns 69 today, and in honor of the Rocky and Predator icon’s birthday we wanted to share with you the above supercut of Apollo Creed’s finest moments in the ring that we found on YouTube….
Read more →Mega budgets potentially near the $400 million mark, high quality computer-generated effects that solely generate unbelievable situations, and casting not for the role they actor may fit but for how popular they may be on Twitter have become acceptable standard…
Read more →“Nothing like it has ever been on Earth before. It came for the thrill of the hunt… It picked the wrong man to hunt.” It seems difficult to believe, but this week marks the 30th anniversary of the sci-fi/action favorite…
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