October is on its way out with a bang! As the month winds down, you’ll notice that there’s a huge assortment of new releases now available, with titles for every taste. Take a look at the following film and TV…
Read more →October is on its way out with a bang! As the month winds down, you’ll notice that there’s a huge assortment of new releases now available, with titles for every taste. Take a look at the following film and TV…
Read more →This week there’s a lot of monstrous hits roaring to DVD and Blu-ray. We think you’ll love this latest batch of new releases, all of which would take an honored place in your home video library! Godzilla: The Showa-Era Films,…
Read more →The great label Vinegar Syndrome has just released four new offerings that lovers of cult and Psychotronic cinema will want to add to their personal movie collecions ASAP. Take a look at these oddball offerings that will send lovers of…
Read more →The Vinegar Syndrome label brings all sorts of cult classics, horror flicks, and exploitation gems to DVD and Blu-ray. By focusing on films outside of the mainstream, the company is able to showcase smaller works that are just as entertaining…
Read more →For lovers of cult and psychotronic film, the releases from Vinegar Syndrome are nothing short of a cinematic dream come true. Taking its name from a common type of film deterioration, Vinegar Syndrome is dedicated to preserving and releasing forgotten…
Read more →Recently out on DVD and Blu-ray is Penitentiary, director Jamaa Fanaka‘s late-period blaxploitation classic. Leon Issac Kennedy stars as Martel Gordone who, after unwittingly getting involved with a prostitute and attempting to save her from being assaulted by a John,…
Read more →The past few weeks have been a bit light on the new release front, but that’s about to change in a huge way! You see, this week has a jaw-dropping array of recent theatrical hits, cult favorites and true film…
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