
Which TV Character’s Death Floored You?

Let’s start out with the obligatory spoiler warning, as there are going be a lot of plot reveals here for those who aren’t familiar with some of the various series mentioned. We get that the availability of DVD and Blu-ray…

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The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Turns 40? “So What? Big Deal.”

As a longtime film fan who is entering “the September of my years,” I’ve come to realize there are some movie-related moments which I’ll never get to experience. Odds are I’ll never watch the lost Lon Chaney silent shocker London…

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What’s Your Favorite Rankin/Bass Christmas Special?

Believe it or not, this year marks the 60th annual broadcast of Rankin/Bass’s first Christmas TV special, the stop-motion animation favorite Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Its success led producers Arthur Rankin, Jr. and Jules Bass and their eponymous studio, originally known…

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