Here’s reading about you, kid! One of the many books we offer, Aljean Harmetz’s The Making of Casablanca: Bogart, Bergman and World War II is an essential look behind the scenes of the creation of what is arguably the greatest…
Read more →Here’s reading about you, kid! One of the many books we offer, Aljean Harmetz’s The Making of Casablanca: Bogart, Bergman and World War II is an essential look behind the scenes of the creation of what is arguably the greatest…
Read more →From the immortal Barbara Stanwyck to King of the Bs Roger Corman to producer/player David Picker, we’ve looked at some new and noteworthy nightstand fodder for the film fanatic.
Read more →Still offering compelling efforts on big screen, small screen, and the boards, Stacy Keach has now looked back at his often-tumultuous life and times with his recently published memoir, and we’re sharing our impressions here.
Read more →During the early ’80s, filmmakers and friends Orson Welles and Henry Jaglom made lunches at Ma Maison a weekly ritual, and the substance of their chats–particularly the one-time wunderkind’s acerbic observations on the industry–are now in book form. We’ve saved you a seat.
Read more →The engaging new book Apocalypse on the Set takes a breezy and entertaining look at nine film productions that essentially went through hell to get to the screen. Some of them were gigantic disasters at the box-office like Michael Cimino’s…
Read more →Movie stars on bicycles? Who would have thunk it? Well, there has been a book on movies stars in bathtubs, so why not? Steven Rea, film critic for The Philadelphia Inquirer, decided to marry his two obsessions—films and biking—into one…
Read more →Joan Crawford was a bitch. That may not come as a revelation to the folks who know Ms. Crawford from the image that has been perpetuated since Mommie Dearest, the book and the movie, were released in 1978 and 1981,…
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