There’s no talent in showbiz quite like David Lynch.
The dark and disturbing visions of the writer/director have captivated audiences since his infamous head-scratcher Eraserhead redefined cinema upon its release in 1977. Although Lynch often gets pigeonholed as a creator whose work is bleak and surreal, his projects often include moments of surprising humor. And Lynch himself? He’s a bit of a hilarious guy.
No, seriously.
For proof of this, look no further than his appearances as FBI Director Gordon Cole in Twin Peaks.
Lynch’s Cole is as enthusiastic and kindhearted as he is hard-of-hearing, resulting in some incredible TV scenes. A personal favorite sequence can be glimpsed above: Cole discovering just how damn fine the pie at Twin Peaks’ Double R Diner truly is. Although I’d be bold enough to say that Lynch’s work is even more delicious than any desert Shelly could serve up.
An earlier version of this article originally ran in January and is being reprinted today as we celebrate the 30th anniversary of Twin Peaks.