Based on the beloved young adult novel by R.J. Palacio, Wonder chronicles the story of 10-year-old Auggie Pullman (Jacob Tremblay), a boy who has been home-schooled because of a genetic disorder that required multiple facial surgeries. When his parents (Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson) think it would be good for him to experience life in the world, he begins attending classes at a prep school for fifth grade. Embarking on a sometimes painful, yet always determined journey to gain his classmates’ acceptance, Auggie begins to discover the wonder of life.
Directed by Stephen Chbosky (who himself also helmed the film adaptation of his YA lit sensation The Perks of Being a Wallflower), this life-affirming drama illustrates how adversity can be overcome and the power of believing in yourself. The supporting cast includes Mandy Patinkin, Daveed Diggs, and Izabela Vidovic, and part of the reason the film was such a huge success — it earned nearly $300,000,000 — was the naturalistic performances in the film. This aspect, combined with Wonder‘s positive message, makes it a gem of a picture that will enchant and educate audiences for years to come.
Wonder is now available on DVD and Blu-ray.