Joel and Ethan Coen‘s Fargo is an alternately hilarious and shocking “true crime” drama follows a shady Minneapolis car dealer’s (William H. Macy) plan to have his wife kidnapped and then take part of the ransom from her wealthy father. When the crooks (Steve Buscemi, Peter Stormare) hired to abduct the woman wind up killing a state trooper and two witnesses along a rural Minnesota highway, the very pregnant local police chief (Frances McDormand) begins her own investigation into the murder. The movie was a box office and critical sensation, earning McDormand a Best Actress Oscar and the Coens a Best Screenplay win, as well as five additional nominees. The TV version of the film is a huge success as well, you betcha!
Seeing how we are still thrust into winter, now is the perfect time to revisit this contemporary classic…not to mention give it the Create-A-Caption treatment. We’ve taken a still from the film below and added our own comedic comment to it, and we want you to do the same in the comments!
This is the weirdest coffee ad ever