Yeah, it’s probably best to just accept this as one of those things that probably made sense at the time — or in this case, didn’t — and go with it.
Anyway, the requisite antics ensue, with our heroes eventually be transported back to the present and Diana solving Marcia and Jan’s feud by revealing that “healthy mind plus healthy body equals success.” (Cue Depeche Mode’s “Get the Balance Right”). What is most memorable about this episode is that it marks the first time an Wonder Woman appeared on television…predating her regular role on the Super Friends cartoon series as well as the failed 1974 Wonder Woman pilot movie starring Cathy Lee Crosby as well as the subsequent Lynda Carter series. The Brady Kids episode is an interesting footnote in the character’s history, although one I can’t help but think could have been vastly improved upon had the series allowed Wonder Woman to sing “Time to Change.” Such oversights are the things that keep me up at night.
Previously on MovieFanFare: Sunshine Daze: The Weird World of “The Brady Kids” Cartoon
(This article originally ran in 2017 and is being reprinted as this week’s Throwback Thursday post).