Debbie Reynolds Shines As Albert Brooks’ “Mother”

Albert Brooks‘ 1996 dramedy Mother is a funny and touching examination of the sometimes complicated relationship between mothers and sons. Brooks stars as a science fiction writer who finds himself at a crossroads after getting divorced a second time. Deciding to take stock of his life, he moves back in with his mother and quickly discovers that despite their often tumultuous relationship, she lives a complicated existence that he never previously considered. Together, the pair comes to understand each other in film that is full of warmth. Since its release 21 years ago, Mother has become a contemporary classic, both hilarious and full of heart. Watching it in the light of co-star Debbie Reynolds‘ passing last year gives the movie an added layer of poignancy, yet it remains a testament to her undeniable talent and the perfect film to watch on Mother’s Day…or any other day of the year for that matter!