Originally released in 1969, The Italian Job is a smart and stylish heist actioner starring Michael Caine as the leader of a group of thieves who disguise themselves as football fans to rip off a cache of gold in Turin, Italy. Featuring a jaw-dropping supporting cast that includes Noël Coward as the plot’s imprisoned mastermind and Benny Hill (yes, that Benny Hill), the film is filled with outrageous Mini Cooper car chases, wild stunts, and one of the oddest endings in movie history. There was a remake made in 2003 that starred Mark Wahlberg, but the less said about that the better. Certain movies should never be remade, and that is certainly true for The Italian Job, one of the most interesting films of the 1960s — and one that still feels oddly both ahead of its time and timeless. Go figure. The feature is one of many action classics that is currently featured in our Awesome Action Sale, complete details on which you can find here.