As we mentioned in this week’s poll, Rocky turns 40 today. Naturally, it was the perfect choice to featured as today’s Movie Trailer of the Day. This rousing underdog tale from writer/star Sylvester Stallone and director John G. Avildsen struck a chord with audiences around the world and won three Academy Awards, including Best Picture. When flamboyant heavyweight champ Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers) announces a Bicentennial bout in Philadelphia, local pug boxer Rocky Balboa (Stallone) gets a dream shot at taking the title. With Talia Shire, Burt Young, and Burgess Meredith. The film’s rich, relatable script and across the board fantastic performances made Rocky one of the biggest phenomenons of the 1970s — resulting in five sequels and last year’s spin-off film, Creed, which found Rocky in the mentor role of a young boxer. Yet it all began all those years ago with the simple story of a boxer who found the inner strength to chase his dream despite the odds. Hey you Adrian!!!