Open Thread: Sound Off On Your Thoughts About All Things Star Trek

As you’ve noticed by our coverage today, Star Trek has turned 50. Obviously this franchise has endured across the decades thanks to its fantastic storylines, solid casting choices and beloved characters. We know why we love Trek, so now its your turn to tell us why you do. We invite you to use the comments below to discuss your Trek favorites spanning all of the shows and films.
Tell us about:
-Your favorite Trek series
-Your favorite Trek monsters
-Your favorite character moments
-Your favorite scenes (one of ours is embedded above)
-Your favorite villain
-Your favorite starship

And so on. Basically, think of this post as a forum to share your thoughts on how the franchise has touched your lives, and tell us all about specific things that you love about it. (You can also tell us your least favorite things about Trek). Sound off below, and live long and prosper!