Six Pix presents a sextet of movie posters representing a particular actor/director/genre. You pick the one you feel is visually the most artistic or best sums up the film.
This Six Pix highlights Bram Stoker’s famed vampire in various iterations.
Included are: Dracula (1931); House of Dracula (1945); Horror of Dracula (1958); Dracula Has Risen from the Grave (1968); Dracula (1979); and Dracula 3000 (2004).
Over the years there have been a multitude of movies about the famous Transylvanian Count. Though those films range from awesome to awful, the posters we culled from that crop are all splendid. The top trio in my opinion would have to include the 1931 Lugosi film and the two Hammer Films: 1958’s Horror of Dracula (released simply as Dracula in the UK) and 1968’s Dracula Has Risen from the Grave, both starring Christopher Lee in the titular role. Man, was it tempting to choose the provocative one-sheet of Risen! No denying a classic though—the ’31 Universal poster is tops.
Which one do you think is the winner? Should I have included something else? Tell me about it below! (And please feel free to suggest future topics.)