Six Pix: Hidden Images

Movie Poster With Hidden Images

Six Pix presents a sextet of movie posters representing a particular actor/director/genre. You pick the one you feel is visually the most artistic or best sums up the film.

This Six Pix reveals what you may have overlooked.

Included are: Halloween (1978); The Silence of the Lambs (1991); Wolf (1994); Le Divorce (2003); Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008); and 127 Hours (2010).

In Halloween, can you see the screaming face in the knife-wielding hand? How about the moon in the eye of Wolf? Or the Eiffel Tower comfortably tucked into the boobs of Le Divorce? Hard to make out here but if you look VERY closely can you spot the alien head right between the eyes of the skull behind Indiana Jones? Did you realize that the rock formations in 127 Hours create the illusion of an hourglass? And you must know by now that the “death head” moth of Silence is made up of seven naked women—but how about that it was an image inspired by In Voluptas Mors, a photograph by Salvador Dalí and Philippe Halsman? They’re all sneaky fun. But there’s no topping the work of Dalí. 

Which one do you think is the winner? Should I have included something else? Tell me about it below! (And please feel free to suggest future topics.)