Who Plays You in the Movie of Your Life…and Why?

A serious case of déjà vu struck as soon as I’d decided to pose this question as part of the Ask Movie Irv series…and for good reason! I hadn’t asked Irv the question before, but I had indeed posed it some time ago as one of 10 questions that were part of The Movie IFs Game. If you haven’t already, go play the game after you’ve seen who gets tapped to take center stage in the big-screen version of The Irv Slifkin Story:

I think he’s nailed the actor who needs to take on the “dramatic” version of the story. Not sure if I go with his “comedy” choice or not, but in this, Irv has final cut. Now it’s your turn to take over the casting couch (no funny business, now, we’re not casting your romantic interest, just you) and tell us who gets inked for the role of your lifetime.  If you want bonus points, stick to the living.