Six Pix: Robots

Six Pix presents a sextet of movie posters representing a particular actor/director/genre. You pick the one you feel is visually the most artistic or best sums up the film.

Is picking a winner from these Six Pix humanly possible?

Movie posters from the Golden Age Of Hollywood: Vintage Movie Posters

Included are: Metropolis (1927); The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951); Forbidden Planet (1956); Silent Running (1972); The Iron Giant (1999); and Wall-E (2008).

No cyborgs or androids included here, so forget about Westworld’s Gunslinger or the Terminator. These one-sheets prominently feature the robots that are integral to the film: Evil Maria, Gort, Robbie, Huey, Dewey and Louie (Drones 1, 2 and 3), and the two remaining titular characters. For me the two posters vying for the top spot are Forbidden Planet and Silent Running, both exquisite in their form, colors and composition. And although I think the poster for Silent Running best sums up the movie, Robbie the Robot ekes out the victory. Forbidden Planet is a beautifully rendered, compelling image.

Which one do you think is the winner? Should I have included something else? Tell me about it below! (And please feel free to suggest future topics.)