Mixed-Up Taglines – Memorable Trips

Summertime is a fine time for making trips, so we at MovieFanFare were moved—geddit?— to put together a quick quiz. Below are movie titles with their taglines—except they’re wrong. The tags may seem appropriate for the accompanying films but they really belong with another movie from the list.
Can you put the two parts correctly together again? (Quiz after the jump)

  1. 2001: A Space Odyssey — Get ready for the ride of your life! (A)
  2. Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore — I’m fine without you (B)
  3. Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid — Nothing is as simple as black and white (C)
  4. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind — They’re making memories tonight! (D)
  5. Field of Dreams — Catch it (E)
  6. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy — The ultimate trip (F)
  7. It’s a Wonderful Life — If you believe the impossible, the incredible can come true (G)
  8. The L-Shaped Room — It was supposed to be the safest room in the house (H)
  9. Memento — You won’t know the facts until you’ve seen the fiction (I)
  10. Panic Room — Don’t panic (J)
  11. Pleasantville — Sex is not a forbidden word! (K)
  12. Pulp Fiction — Laugh…or I’ll blow your lips off (L)
  13. Saturday Night Fever — Love is in the hair (M)
  14. There’s Something About Mary — A picture for anyone who’s ever dreamed of a second chance (N)
  15. Total Recall — Some memories are best forgotten (O)

Triple-click here for answer key:
1-F ; 2-N ; 3-L ; 4-B ; 5-G
6-J ; 7-D ; 8-K ; 9-O ; 10-H
11-C ; 12-I ; 13-E ; 14-M ; 15-A