Scary Clown Trivia? You Bet My Life!

How well do you know your scary clown horror movie trivia? Hopefully better than “Grouchy” Irv’s contestants, because they have bet his life on answering correctly…and they’re not doing so well! Grouchy tests their knowledge (and his patience) as he unveils some fun, fright-related factoids about the likes of screen favorites as diverse as Lon Chaney, character actor John Vernon, and Sid Haig:

Fans of the Man of a Thousand Faces won’t want to miss the worthy write-up of his teamings with helmer Tod BrowningTod Browning and Lon Chaney: A Match Made in Macabre Movie Heaven; you’ll also want to recall that Haig made an appearance in a reissued Roger Corman classic (Double Dose of Roger Corman, Part 1: Galaxy of Terror), and experience a disturbingly detailed appraisal of movie clowns of all stripes (No Clowning Around in Hollywood).

Will Grouchy, Ghouly, and Movie Irv be back soon? You bet your life!