Childlike Wonder Movies

Mary_PoppinsGuest blogger Meaghan Couture writes:

True to form, when offered the opportunity to go and see Mary Poppins: The Musical live at our performing arts center here in the city, I jumped at the chance! Not only do I love live theatre, but I adore Mary Poppins. Tuesday evening rolled around and I went around doing all the things adults do nowadays: closing up work, getting in my car, racing around in rush hour traffic, narrowly escaping being hit by a bus and finally finding a parking garage to deposit my car for the evening. Getting out, I took a deep breath and looked up at the theatre much like a child would look at their first Christmas tree. Now, I’ve been to the theatre many times but every single time I feel giddy and excited! There is little in life more satisfying than a live production. This prodcution, especially, got me grinning ear to ear as I looked around me and saw mostly adults attending. How lovely! See, I told you deep down and underneath we’re all just Kids In The Front Row. Here we were, people aged from 89 to 5 years of age all talking excitedly about the favorite parts we remembered from our childhood movie: the dancing penguins, the songs about spoonfuls of sugar, the merry-go-round, the chimney sweeps, the music! The Magic!

I wish you all could have seen it, it was quite a sight! All of the people facing the stage, watching with delight, clapping along to the rhythm, singing along to the songs, laughing, applauding, cheering! I was so moved to see all of these adults standing and cheering for a play recreating one of their favorites childhood movies.

I think we all should be able to tap into this part of ourselves more often. Leave work at work, forget the traffic, leave the bills for tomorrow and sit down to watch your favorite childhood film. It will do wonders for you!

Bedknobs and Broomsticks

I watched this as a kid for hours and hours, rewinding and watching it again and again! I will always believe in magic, in the extraordinary, in passion, in music, in good conquering evil.

The Litte Mermaid


I will, because of this movie, forever hope for more, strive to achieve the impossible, never give up hope for being a part of a world that seems out of reach. My two favorite songs, “Part of Your World” and “Kiss the Girl” have shaped my life and I am glad.

Maybe he’s right. Maybe there is something the matter with me.
I just don’t see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad

Believe, my friends. Believe in yourself, in happiness, in your dreams and in the world. You won’t regret it.

Meaghan Couture is a writer and a movie enthusiast. Her blog, Wild Celtic, is a place where she writes about her life as she aspires to make her dreams become reality.