Which Wicked Song Did the Film Do the Most Justice?

Set to make its bow on DVD, Blu-ray and 4K Ultra HD this February 4, Wicked blew into theaters just before last Thanksgiving—and, thanks to the built-in and devoted followings for the stage musical and the source material that inspired it, became 2024’s sixth highest grossing film with $643 million in global box office. That’s the biggest take ever for any Broadway movie adaptation, or film based on The Wizard of Oz. The marketing blitz was overwhelming, as was the critical response—and with awards season looming, and a sequel that covers the play’s post-intermission half coming next November, Wicked won’t be fading from our consciousness any time soon.

If you’re a fan of the original play, and have already taken in Wicked at your local cinema, here’s the question we’re posing: Of the many memorable songs from the show’s first half, which was done the most justice by the film version? Vote below, and if you’ve got any other observations about the film, please share in the comments!

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