It’s been 40 years since Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan first hit theaters (notice we didn’t say “beamed”), and during that time it has become not only the most beloved Star Trek films, but one of the most celebrated science fiction motion pictures of all time — and, along with The Empire Strikes Back, the gold standard to which sequels are held. A huge part of the reason for this is Ricardo Montalban‘s instantly iconic performance as Khan Noonien Singh (which he reprised from the “Space Seed” episode of the original series). Although menacing and ruthless, Montalban gives his portrayal of Khan a charm and gravitas that makes audiences understand the character…making a legendary villain in the process. But is he YOUR favorite Star Trek foe? That’s what we want to find out in this week’s poll. So vote and tell us which Trek nemesis you love to hate in the comments below!