Drive-In Movie Memories

The weather is (Finally! Finally!) turning a corner and getting a little warmer…and movie fans know that with warmer weather, drive-in season is on its way.

That is, if you are lucky enough to live near a drive-in.

These nostalgic bulwarks standing against the easy-to-be-cynical-about multiplexing of movies have been an endangered species for decades now—but they became threatened with total extinction anew with the advent of digital projection. With studios ceasing even the production of celluloid film prints, all-digital presentation of new movies is no longer the future, but the present, and any drive-in unable to foot the bill for a digital conversion will soon have to be shuttered.

(I’m relieved that Shankweiler’s, the drive-in most convenient to me, successfully made the switch)

Let’s hear from Irv now about some of his own favorite drive-in memories:


Now share your own recollections of drive-in visits from the distant (or recent) past—and when you’re ready to hunt around your region for a drive-in to visit, go here: