Six Pix: Jesse James

Six Pix presents a sextet of movie posters representing a particular actor/director/genre. You pick the one you feel is visually the most artistic or best sums up the film.

Wanted! Six Pix of Jesse James-related films.

Jesse James

Included are: Jesse James as the Outlaw (1921); Jesse James (1939); Days of Jesse James (1939); Jesse James Meets Frankenstein’s Daughter (1965); The Long Riders (1980); and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007).

First up we have a colorful tall one-sheet from the ’21 movie about the gunman. Next, forget showing Jesse, it is Roy Rogers who is prominently featured in Days. Tyrone Power plays the titular character (with Fonda riding shotgun as his brother Frank) in the other ’39 release. The ’65 movie is pure schlock but presents a rootin’-tootin’ six-shootin’ killer poster. The dynamic Long Riders is notable for bringing together the brothers Keach, Carradine, Quaid, and Guest. And Brad Pitt essays the outlaw in the verbose ’07 version. While the immediacy of James’ shocking violence is superbly depicted in striking colors in Outlaw, it’s similarly hard to overlook the masterful composition of the Power-Fonda one-sheet. In my book the latter wins by the very slimmest of margins.

Which one do you think is the winner? Should I have included something else? Tell me about it below! (And please feel free to suggest future topics.)