It’s been 35 years since Howard the Duck waddled into movie theaters and what a strange journey it has been for Marvel Comics‘ weird waterfowl. Based on the cult comic book created by the late, great Steve Gerber, the movie…
Read more →It’s been 35 years since Howard the Duck waddled into movie theaters and what a strange journey it has been for Marvel Comics‘ weird waterfowl. Based on the cult comic book created by the late, great Steve Gerber, the movie…
Read more →The clothes! The hair! The music! The movies! The 1980s were amazing, and we’re celebrating them today with this latest edition of the Movie Tagline Game, dedicated to some totally awesome flicks that you can’t live without! Below we’ve listed…
Read more →Thanks to his appearances in the Guardians of the Galaxy films, Howard the Duck has found some much-needed redemption. While his 1986 movie — the first time a Marvel Comics character was adapted for the big screen — was a…
Read more →Let’s do the time warp again! Or maybe not… As strange as it may seem, there are cult movie fans out there who don’t love The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and they much rather spend their time watching an under-appreciated…
Read more →Last month, we asked you to share your thoughts on superhero movies as part of our Summer of Sci-Fi series of posts. Regular MovieFanFare guest blogger Jim Brymer (of The Midnite Drive-In) happily accepted the challenge, and here are his…
Read more →Real talk: I’ve had Carly Simon’s “Let the River Run” stuck in my head pretty much constantly since Working Girl premiered in 1988. Sure, there are periods where I won’t think of it, but it is always there, lying in…
Read more →One of the most notorious — and overly maligned — films ever made, Howard the Duck was released on this day back in 1986. Although the film was universally panned upon its initial release (and became a go-to punchline throughout…
Read more →This installment of Create-A-Caption features a famous still from director George Lucas’ cult classic Howard the Duck. MovieFanFare’s Jason challenges you to come up with your own witty caption in the comments section. Give it a try, won’t you?
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