Joel and Ethan Coen‘s Fargo is an alternately hilarious and shocking “true crime” drama follows a shady Minneapolis car dealer’s (William H. Macy) plan to have his wife kidnapped and then take part of the ransom from her wealthy father….
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Five Frozen Flicks to Keep You Warm This Winter
As you probably have noticed, it’s cold out there right now! But fear not, because your pals at MovieFanFare are about to heat things up by presenting this list of fantastic flicks in which snow is a supporting character. So…
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The week between Christmas and New Year’s is always a balance of wanting to relax and racing to fulfill social obligations with family and friends. This year, we encourage you to find some time for yourself to relax and sit…
Read more →John Wayne, Diary of a Wimpy Kid and More Terrific New Releases!
The past meets the present in this week’s new DVD and Blu-ray releases, in which Hollywood classics mingle with contemporary hits. From two of the Duke’s finest films to the latest Jackie Chan and Wimpy Kid adventures, there’s plenty of…
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