The Walt Disney crew worked for four years to animate Felix Salten’s 1923 kiddie lit classic, Bambi, A Life in the Woods, resulting in some of the studio’s most memorable characters and unforgettable moments. The beloved (and, at times, downright heartbreaking) woodland tale follows young fawn Bambi–joined by pals Thumper the rabbit, Flower the skunk, and childhood sweetheart Faline–as he overcomes tragic loss, struggles with growing up, falls in love, and faces the many dangers of the forest.
Last year, Disney released a Signature Edition of Bambi that included the following special features:
– Oswald the Lucky Rabbit: “Africa Before Dark”
– Inside Walt’s Story Meetings: Extended Edition
– Deleted Scenes
A tour-de-force of sight and sound, this edition of Bambi is an enthralling release for kids of all ages. At the top of the page is the original trailer for the film, which gives you an idea of how this timeless favorite was originally marketed to audiences.
As an added bonus, here’s a parody trailer from Saturday Night Live that takes a look at what a live-action remake of the film starring The Rock would be like.
Share your Bambi memories with us below!