Arguably the most beloved animated cult film ever made, Heavy Metal is a cutting-edge anthology inspired by the popular fantasy magazine. The fantastic stories, which revolve around the powers of a mysterious jewel called the Loc-Nar, include a futuristic cab driver, a sword-swinging warrior, a Pentagon secretary abducted by a UFO, and a doomed B-17 pilot. Among the stars providing the voicework are John Candy, Eugene Levy and Joe Flahert, and the soundtrack is a more than suitable who’s who of the 1980s metal scene that includes Black Sabbath, Blue Öyster Cult, Cheap Trick, and others. The music rights of the film kept this off of home video for ages, but once it finally was officially released back in the 1990s, a new generation got to enjoy its mix of comedy, raunchiness, and adventure. If its been a while since you took a ride with Harry Canyon or went through a transformative adventure with Den, Harry Canyon,and company, check out Heavy Metal again. It’s just as fun as you remember.
(This article originally ran in 2019 and is being reprinted as this week’s Flashback Friday post).