What is the greatest gumshoe movie ever made? That’s a pretty tough question to be sure. Fortunately, MovieFanFare reader Sal LaRosa can help. He’s come up with the following list of his own personal picks for the best detective flicks. Sal writes:
The best detective movie of all time has to be The Maltese Falcon. Then the Thin Man series.
Classic film noir is D.O.A. with Edmund O’Brien.
Of course, there’s the entire run of Sherlock Holmes films with Basil Rathbone (the only true Sherlock).
However, there are little know movies that we always tend to overlook because of the above, such as Frank Sinatra‘s The Detective or The Lady Vanishes or The Lodger.
You may disagree with me and that’s OK but these are my favorites. I’m sure I forgot many so feel free to add your own.
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