You’re sitting in the theater or at home watching a movie when out of nowhere somebody speaks a line of dialogue you can’t help laughing at. But the line is not meant to be comical. Nevertheless, you can’t believe what…
Read more →Monthly Archives: September 2009
Nicolas Cage – From Bad Lieutenant to the Oscars

He’s an Oscar winner with a new film directed by Werner Herzog coming out (Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans), so it’s not really like Nicolas Cage needs any career advice from a blog. Let’s have some fun anyway: Isn’t…
Read more →R.J. Cutler & The September Issue

R.J. Cutler has based his career on observing the real and turning it into the reel. The Yale-educated former theater director has made a name for himself in the worlds of both non-fictional film and television. He was the producer…
Read more →Anybody Remember Sabu, The Elephant Boy?

If you were a “kid” growing up in the United States or Canada in the nineteen-forties, you probably spent many a Saturday afternoon at your local movie house. For twenty-five cents you got admission to the theater, a box…
Read more →The Devil’s Rain: Showers With A 100% Chance Of Overacting

Younger horror fans may not know it, but for a brief period in fright film history–between the ’30s and ’40s heyday of Dracula, the Frankenstein Monster and the Wolf Man and the ’80s “splatter” era of Michael, Jason and Freddy–literature’s original…
Read more →Bobcat Goldthwait & World’s Greatest Dad

You’d never know that the guy sitting a few feet away was one of the “screaming comics of the 1980s.” It couldn’t be Sam Kinison. He’s gone, died in a car accident in Needles, California in 1992. Andrew Dice Clay?…
Read more →World’s Greatest Dad (2009) Movie Review

Robin Williams in front of the camera…Bobcat Goldthwait behind it! What kind of comedy have the two standup legends concocted…and is it worth a trip to the movie theater to find out? “Movie Irv” has just seen World’s Greatest Dad,…
Read more →Mike Starr: Beyond the Stereotype

One of the most recognizable character actors of the past three decades has to be Mike Starr. With his hulking 6’3″ frame Mike cuts an imposing figure. As a result, much of his TV and film work have typecast him…
Read more →Inglourious Basterds
You know the drill. Below is a classic movie photo with Jason’s caption. You’re encouraged to leave your own suggestion in the comment section below! Alright: “Uncle!” Geez, I thought you guys liked being called Basterds. Can I get up now?
Read more →Wanted: New Klaus Kinski

Down the road, I have a more substantial piece about Werner Herzog in mind (as I come ever closer to finishing his just-released book, Conquest of the Useless: Reflections from the Making of Fitzcarraldo), but I couldn’t resist calling attention…
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