One of the catchiest musical moments in television history happened on December 9, 1965, when the “Don’t Bug the Mosquitoes” episode of Gilligan’s Island first aired. In this installment, the castaways’ suspected that their eternal three-hour tour had come…
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Great Sitcom Moments: Roy Clark Appears on “The Odd Couple”
Country music legend Roy Clark died yesterday at the age of 85. Best known for helping to bring country music into the mainstream through his work on the variety series Hee Haw, Clark is considered to be one of the…
Read more →Great Sitcom Moments: Reverend Jim’s Driving Test on “Taxi”
On September 25, 1979, the funniest moment in television history occurred when the Taxi episode “Reverend Jim: A Space Odyssey” aired. Don’t try to debate me on this issue, as you will never convince me otherwise. Some context: Christopher Lloyd…
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