Grease Week may now be over, but we thought we’d sneak in one final post dedicated to the film in honor of it’s 40th anniversary. Although Grease was never a merchandising juggernaut a la Star Wars, you might be surprised…
Read more →Grease Week may now be over, but we thought we’d sneak in one final post dedicated to the film in honor of it’s 40th anniversary. Although Grease was never a merchandising juggernaut a la Star Wars, you might be surprised…
Read more →To promote the theatrical release of Grease , the hour-long TV special Grease Day U.S.A. was syndicated to stations across the United States. in June of 1978. A very strange time capsule of late-70s entertainment that ideally should be screened…
Read more →With so many lovable characters in Grease, it’s hard to pick a favorite. Yet we want you to do just that in this bonus poll that is part of our ongoing Grease Week celebrations!
Read more →Insidious. That is the best word to describe the Ipana Toothpaste jingle. Sung by Bucky Beaver in television ads of the 1950s, the chronic earworm would have likely fallen into obscurity in the pre-YouTube era if it were not featured…
Read more →On June 16, 1978, Grease — a big budget movie adaptation of Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey’s hit musical — was released to hundreds of theaters across the country. It was an immediate hit that further skyrocketed John Travolta (who…
Read more →As Grease Week continues, we wanted to take a brief respite from sharing our thoughts on the film and hear what you have to say about it. Taking that into consideration, we’d like you to answer any and/or all of…
Read more →We are currently celebrating Grease Week — paying tribute to the film’s 40th anniversary. For this week’s Create-A-Caption we wanted to take a moment from the eternally youthful 1978 musical starring John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John and give it our…
Read more →In today’s guest post, Jim Brymer discusses the films Grease and Grease 2: Eve Arden played Principal McGee in the two Grease movies. Imagine if Connie Brooks (from the Arden radio and TV series Our Miss Brooks) had been stood…
Read more →Since it’s Grease Week, we have several polls inspired by the film running from now until Saturday. First up, we know you love him as Danny Zuko, but what is your favorite John Travolta performance? Vote below!
Read more →Grease turns 40 one week from today! And what better way to celebrate this musical classic than with seven days full of greased lightning-packed fun. Along with our regular posts, the next week will feature lots of Grease-related content that…
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