Released 14 years after its predecessor, Incredibles 2 continues the superheroic adventures of the Parr family. The resulting sequel was more than worth the wait! This time around, when wealthy entrepreneurs seek to rehabilitate the tarnished image of supers–and choose Elastigirl (voiced by Holly Hunter), alone, to take point–Mr. Incredible (Craig T. Nelson) draws the daunting assignment of taking care of the kids. Will the touchy arrangement leave them open to the new menace of the Screenslaver?
And the best news? You won’t have to wait much longer to enjoy the film at home! On November 6th, Incredibles 2 hits DVD and Blu-ray. The Blu-ray edition includes these, pardon us, super special features:
– All-New Auntie Edna Mini-Movie – When Bob Parr visits super-suit designer Edna Mode looking for help with his high-energy toddler Jack-Jack, Edna pulls an all-nighter designing a suit to harness the baby’s seemingly limitless powers.
– 10 Deleted Scenes With Introductions – Suburban Escape, Kari Revisited, Return of the Supers, Chewed Out, Late Audition, Slow Day, Frozone and Honey, Restaurant Robbery, Fashion Show and Security Breakdown.
– Super Stuff – From buildings and vehicles to costumes and props, every action movie requires a lot of really cool stuff. Meet the makers and learn what it takes to design and build such a uniquely incredible world.
– Heroes & Villains – A collection of mini-docs about the backstory and major design ideas behind the “Incredibles 2” characters — featuring voice actors, director Brad Bird, and Pixar artists talking about the many elements that make these characters feel real.
– Ralph Eggleston: Production Designer – This short piece explores the many ways a single production designer has influenced the look, feel and character of the Pixar universe, culminating in Incredibles 2.
– Strong Coffee: A Lesson in Animation with Brad Bird – Brad Bird’s passion for animation dates back to his childhood and mentorship under Disney’s Milt Kahl, and that enthusiasm and powerful insight emanates from every film he’s made. Take a deep dive into Brad’s early years at Disney Animation Studios and his time at Pixar.
– Paths to Pixar: Everyday Heroes – At its heart, Incredibles 2 is about family dynamics and the challenges of being a working parent. Meet the parents of Pixar as they discuss their personal connections to the film and their experience with stretching to balance work and family.
– SuperBaby – A documentary/hip-hop music video hybrid hosted by Frankie and Paige from Disney Channel’s Bizaardvark. This piece explores how Jack-Jack came to life onscreen — from design to special effects to animation — all set to a hot beat.
– Commentary – Get inside commentary from animators Alan Barillaro (supervising animator), Tony Fucile (supervising animator, story artist, and character designer), Dave Mullins (supervising animator) and Bret Parker (animation second unit and crowds supervisor).
– Theatrical Short: Bao – An aging Chinese mom suffering from empty nest syndrome gets another chance at motherhood when one of her dumplings springs to life as a lively, giggly dumpling boy.
– Making Bao – Director Domee Shi shares her secret recipe for making an animated short — discussing how her rich cultural heritage, unique relationship with her mom, and her love of food all informed the making of the food-fantasy “Bao.”
– Outtakes & Stories – Raccoon Fight Story, Evelyn Animation Outtakes, Puppet Animator Interview, Outtakes Goofy Arms Story and SuperBaby Music Video.
– Character Theme Songs, Vintage Toy Commercial TV Spots, Toolkit Montage, and Global Incredibles 2 Trailers
With plenty of excitement and fun for the entire family, Incredibles 2 is going to be one of the hottest releases of the year, to miss it would be a super bummer!