With this week’s passing of George Romero, there have been countless celebrations of the horror master’s life and legacy. But one of the greatest tributes to him came over a decade ago, courtesy of the obscure Washington D.C. indie rock group Sprites. Taken from the group’s 2006 album Modern Gameplay, “George Romero” is a poppy and infectious ode to how the Night of the Living Dead auteur influenced countless others (including fellow filmmakers Stuart Gordon and Sam Raimi, who are also named in the song). The song is a fitting tribute to the late, great Romero for sure. And yes, it’s totally understandable if you want to dance to it as well.
Now Hear This is a recurring feature that looks at songs inspired by the film world’s biggest talents.
Previously on Now Hear This:
Suzanne Vega’s Musical Tribute to Marlene Dietrich