Six Pix presents a sextet of movie posters representing a particular actor/director/genre. You pick the one you feel is visually the most artistic or best sums up the film.
Hallelujah! It’s about time Six Pix put preachers on a pedestal. Can I get an Amen?
Included are: The Night of the Hunter (1955); Pale Rider (1985); Leap of Faith (1992); Elmer Gantry (1960); The Last Exorcism (2010); and Machine Gun Preacher (2011).
Big props for the juxtaposition of the African children leading Butler’s character on (instead of the other way around) in Machine Gun Preacher. The Last Exorcism takes a creepy scene from the movie and makes a striking poster out of it. And the poster for Elmer Gantry makes excellent use of the type surrounding the illustrations—notice that “sinners” is colored red, just as Elmer is? Ultimately, the unforgettable image of the Mitchum’s preacher sporting his LOVE and HATE tattooed fingers in Night of the Hunter beats them all…no pun intended.
Which one do you think is the winner? Should I have included something else? Tell me about it below! (And please feel free to suggest future topics.)