One actor. Two film roles. You tell us which portrayal was the best. The most memorable. Or iconic. Or simply your favorite. But before you pass judgment, a few words defending the “character” of each… The case for Ungar…
Read more →One actor. Two film roles. You tell us which portrayal was the best. The most memorable. Or iconic. Or simply your favorite. But before you pass judgment, a few words defending the “character” of each… The case for Ungar…
Read more →This time Six Pix focuses on movie posters prominently featuring ordinals. You pick the best one or otherwise rank them according to which ones you feel are visually the most artistic or best sum up the film.
Read more →It is a scenic Six Pix as we look at movie posters featuring rivers. From the churning rapids of The River Wild to the meandering waterway of Apocalypse Now each one is a delight to behold. Time for you to navigate through the selections and choose your favorite.
Read more →Hard to believe that Albert Finney has received four Best Actor Academy Award nominations, yet come up short each time (placing him third on that ignominious list). Here are two of those superlative performances. Good luck deciding which is best.
Read more →One actor. Two film roles. You tell us which portrayal was the best. The most memorable. Or iconic. Or simply your favorite.
Read more →This installment of Create-A-Caption features a famous still from director George Lucas’ cult classic Howard the Duck. MovieFanFare’s Jason challenges you to come up with your own witty caption in the comments section. Give it a try, won’t you?
Read more →This time Six Pix focuses on movie posters inspired by the Art Deco movement. You pick the best one or otherwise rank them according to which ones you feel are visually the most artistic.
Read more →Six Pix presents a sextet of movie posters representing a particular actor/director/genre. You pick the one you feel is visually the most artistic or best sums up the film. Which of these Six Pix is your, uh…type? Included are: Bob…
Read more →You can’t judge a book by its cover…and, sometimes, you can’t judge a film by what’s on its poster. Take a look at this classic post featuring at 10 examples of movie poster mistakes and see where–and, maybe, why–the artists goofed.
Read more →You know the drill. Inside is a still from the 1995 Al Pacino/Robert De Niro drama Heat with Jason’s caption. You’re encouraged to leave your own suggestion in the comment section below!
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